Friday, March 02, 2007

Have Your Voice Heard

The Western Sikh Students Association has been in contact with local MP Irene Mathyssen of the NDP, and this Sunday she will be addressing Sangat at the London Sikh Society Gurdwara.

In previous exchanges with Ms. Mathyssen she has expressed an interest in having some sort of dialogue with Sikh Youth. Therefore, this Sunday the London Sikh Society has asked us to meet with her briefly. If you are interested being a part of an organized group of youth for this occasion we ask that you contact us immediately

As executive of WesternSSA and Board Members of COSS (Canadian Organization of Sikh Students) we encourage our members and affiliates to attend Gurdwara this Sunday or provide us with what they feel are issues that should be addressed. These issues can focus on anything that you feel is important both inside and outside of the Sikh community. We anticipate that we will be in contact with Ms. Mathyssen in the future as well, and that this Sunday will merely establish formal contact with her office.

We look forward to hearing from you and remind you that if transportation to the Gurdwara is needed, that the "need a ride" application can be filled out at or you can simply reply to this email with your information.